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Bank J. Safra Sarasin AG

Company description

Bank J. Safra Sarasin Ltd is a leading sustainable private bank, offering all the advantages of the Swiss banking environment together with dynamic and personalized advisory services focusing on opportunities in international financial markets.

The Private Label Fund Team offers you a point of contact for all your concerns. We are happy to handle professional order processing, including direct market access to the SIX Swiss Exchange, sound support for your investment decisions through our Advisory Service, risk-adjusted monitoring of individual positions, compliance with investment guidelines and, last but not least, speedy administration. In addition to our award-winning research, we also make our excellent connections to international brokers available to you at any time for information gathering or the execution of your trading orders. We have had a very valuable business relationship with LLB Swiss Investment for many years with well-rehearsed processes. Have we aroused your interest? We look forward to hearing from you.


Bleicherweg 1 / Postfach 2123
8022 Zürich


+41 58 317 35 29

Contact person

Andrea Roner

E-mail contact person