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Complaints process for fund investors of LLB Swiss Investment AG

LLB Swiss Investment AG (henceforth “LSI”) has established a complaints office with the aim of ensuring the transparent and prompt processing of your complaint. Upon submission of your complaint or enquiry, we will inform you of the complaints process.

Your complaint should be addressed to us as follows:

  • By post:
    LLB Swiss Investment AG, Compliance Department, Claridenstrasse 20, 8024 Zürich
  • By Email: investment[at] 
  • by telephone:
    You can reach us (Compliance Department) on weekdays from Monday to Friday
    between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm on the number +41 58 523 96 70

In order to process your complaint swiftly and correctly, we require the name of the affected fund (or securities no./ISIN), information on the matter as well as your contact details.
You can send your complaint to us in an official Swiss language or in English. Your complaint will be processed free of charge.